ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE!                                                    FIND AND AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF

ALL (IN)ORGANIC COMRADES UNITE!                                                                                            GAME THE SYSTEM!

ABRACADABRA-C  (Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee)

ÐعM提п (former DAMTP - the DaðA Miners and Travailleuse Psychique) - workers union to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language

Chus Martínez

Chus Martínez  is a name that refers to an individual human being who can be anyone. The name is fixed, the people using it aren’t. The name Chus Martínez can be strategically adopted for a series of actions, interventions, exhibitions, texts, etc. You can use the name Chus Martínez when involved in making art, making music, or just making trouble as an activist. The purpose of many different people using the same name is to create a situation for which no one in particular is responsible and to practically examine western philosophical notions of identity, individuality, originality, value and truth.

Anyone can become Chus Martínez simply by adopting the name. When one becomes Chus Martínez one’s previous existence consists of the acts other people have undertaken using the name. When one becomes Chus Martínez one has no family, no parents, no birth. Chus Martínez was not born, s/he was materialised from social forces, constructed as a means of entering the shifting terrain that circumscribes the ‘individual’ and society. Chus Martínez is a transsexual collective phantom.

The Chus Martínez moniker has the advantage of being one that might be Western or Eastern since Chus as a first name does not appear to be language specific. In this way it is superior to any previous multiple identity we are aware of. اللقب مارتينيز شس له ميزة واحدة التي قد تكون أو الغربية الشرقية منذ شس كاسم الأول لا يبدو أن لغة معينة. وبهذه الطريقة فإنه متفوقة على أي هوية متعددة السابقة ونحن على علم.


Chus Martínez – tai žmogaus vardas, kuriuo gali tapti bet kas. Vardas fiksuotas, o žmogus ne. Strategiškai vardą Chus Martínez galima (pa)naudoti veiksmų, intervencijų, parodų, akcijų, tekstų ir kt. serijoms. Kekvienas gali tapti Chus Martínez ,vos panorėjęs kurt meną, muziką, ar tiesiog šiaip daryti problemas kaip aktyvistas. Daugybės skirtingų žmonių, kurie naudoja tą patį vardą, veiklos tikslas – sukurti situaciją, kurioje niekas neturi atsakomybės, o pamatinės eurocentristinės filosofinės nuostatos (identitetas, individualybė, originalumas, vertė ir tiesa) praranda savo prioritetinį statusą. Vos kas nors apsisprendža tapti Chus Martínez , kaip mat vsa, ką kiti nuveikė naudodami šį vardą tampa ir jo(s) savastimi. Tapdamas Chus Martínez asmuo praranda šeimą, draugus, savo paties gimtadienį. Chus Martínez niekada negimė – ji(s) buvo materializuota(s) iš socialinių jėgų, susidariusių įplyšus sistemai, kuri buvo aiškiai apibrėžusi “individo” ir visuomenės santykį. Chus  - tai vardas, tinkantis ir vyrui ir moteriai, rytiečiui ir vakarečiui, europiečiui ir afrikiečiui. Chus Martínez  - tai transnacionalinis ir transgenderinis kolektyvinis fantomas.

dOCUMENTA “be sienų”


Pasak dOCUMENTos (13) kuratorės Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, po skurdžių pristatymų ankstesnėse parodose 2012-aisiais italai sugrįžta į didžiausią Vokietijos šiuolaikinio meno festivalį. Regis, jie sugrįžta “originaliuoju” 1930-ųjų stiliumi! Gaila, tačiau tiek paskutinė Berlyno Bienalė, tiek naujausia dOCUMENTA, struktūriškai ir ideologiškai remiasi nacionalistiniu ir etniniu tapatybės supratimu. Tuo pat metu jau minėtas Italų “dalyvavimas” dOCUMENToje (13) yra būtent tas elementas, leidžiantis šiam “anti-konceptualiam” konceptui dar kartą užkariauti Afganistaną (2012 m. dOCUMENTA vyksta Kaselyje (Vokietija), Kaire (Egiptas), Banfe (Kanada) ir Kabule (Afganistanas)). Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev yra italų-amerikiečių kilmės rašytoja, meno istorikė ir kuratorė, kuriai būdingas tapatinimasis su Vokietijos valdančiojo elito sprendžiama vietinės ir tarptautinės kultūros politika. Remiantis autore Emily Nathan:


Gana keista, kodėl dOCUMENTos (13); Kaselis, Vokietija, 2012m. birželio 9 – rugsėjo 16 d.) kuratorė Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev pasirinko surengti du metus trukusį meno paskaitų ir dirbtuvių ciklą karo nuniokotame Afganistane. Afganų Seminarai – taip pavadinti rengėjų – vyko nuo 2010 ir 2012 metų, organizatoriams bendradarbiaujant su Gėtės Instituto (vok. Goethe Institut) Afganistano padaliniu, Kabulo Universiteto Afganistano Centru ir kitomis kultūrinėmis institucijomis. Tačiau, turint omenyje šiuometines Afganistano socialines ir politines sąlygas, toks sprendimas gali atrodyti naivus, jei ne pavojingas..[1]

Read more “NUOSTABUS SUTRIKIMAS” [apie retrofuturistinį ir eurocentristinį dOCUMENTA 13 (Kaselis,...

[Left to right: Luther Blissett, Janez Janša and Chus Martinez]

My Name Is Janez Janša is a 2012 documentary film about three contemporary artists, one of them the film director, who in 2007 all changed their name to that of Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of Slovenia. A number of way more interesting and earlier previous avant-grade and underground anti-art movements influenced this action including Dadaism, mail art and neoism.

Multiple name concepts – the idea that a single name should be used by a group of individuals- did not play a starring role in the history of Dada. But Hausmann, Grosz, Baader, Herzfelde and Herzfelde’s ‘Christ & Co. Ltd’ achieved more than footnote status in the standard histories of the Berlin avant-garde. Hausmann recollects the founding of this society in “Courier Dada”(Paris 1958): “I took Baader to the fields of Sudende (where Jung then lived), and said to him: ‘All this is yours if you do as 1 tell you. The Bishop of Brunswick has failed to recognize you as Jesus Christ, and you have retaliated by defiling the altar in his church. This is no compensation. From today, you will be President of The Christ Society, Ltd, and recruit members. You must convince everyone that he too can be Christ, if he wants to, on payment of fifty marks to your society. Members of our society will no longer be subject to temporal authority and will automatically be unfit for military service. You will wear a purple robe and we shall organise an Echternach procession in the Potsdamer Platz. I shall previously have submerged Berlin in biblical texts. All the poster columns will bear the words “He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword”.’”


In a way very similar, yet different - to the construction of moving structures proposed by Ricardo - my proposal for a few day workshop at Nepokorennye studios was to explore the possibilities of other kind of material that could be put to work in the public realm – namely digital texts used for email spamming.


While Ricardo has a passion for spectacular technology, on my behalf I invited the participants of OKK-led workshops to try out the practice of Psychic Spam Attacks. Having tactically played around with re-writing and re-sending spam e-mails from my own mailbox, I was glad to share the experience of the initiative entitled POLARIS INTERNATIONAL Limited (in which I was myself involved), and give advice, as well as provide the spam text material to the workshop participants. In order to bring these kind of Opinion Props to the public realm, some form of identity would be "created" - at least in the form of an e-mail address.


We would draw on the rich history of multiple identity creation in order to question the fundamentals of the bourgeois society - all kind of separations including the one of "high" (namely art) and "low" culture, singular identity, and the capitalist logic of value creation.



In topology, knot theory is the study of mathematical knots. While inspired by knots which appear in daily life in shoelaces and rope, a mathematician’s knot differs in that the ends are joined together so that it cannot be undone. In precise mathematical language, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, R3. Two mathematical knots are equivalent if one can be transformed into the other via a deformation of R3 upon itself (known as an ambientisotopy); these transformations correspond to manipulations of a knotted string that do not involve cutting the string or passing the string through itself.

Knots can be described in various ways. Given a method of description, however, there may be more than one description that represents the same knot. For example, a common method of describing a knot is a planar diagram called a knot diagram. Any given knot can be drawn in many different ways using a knot diagram. Therefore, a fundamental problem in knot theory is determining when two descriptions represent the same knot.

Links are also the subject of knot theory. A link consists of several knots (called components) and interwinted in any manner.

Knot theory was introduced as a scientific topic of investigation by “two middly eccentric nineteenth century Scottish physicists,” Lord Kelvin and Guthrie Tait.Today knot theory is one of the most active research areas of mathematics, but because of its developments in relation with knots and links, cibernetic studies has also included it as an useful tool. The idea of a net, as something whose nature escapes any definition other than that where elements relate to each other, so that their identity is nothing but the way in which they lead to others and the way others lead to them, was first applied by mathematicians in order to understand the complexity of certain links of knots. In that sense aiming to define any element in such a system, we would have to assume its incompleteness.

Read more (K)NOT THEORY

Unlike apologists for capitalist social relations, communudists have no desire to exalt the superiority of ‘modern man’ over his primitive forebears. On the contrary, communudists intuitively understand the ‘grandeur’ of primitive man and see in the society of the future a restoration, albeit on a higher level, of the primitive communism of the classless societies of the past.

Communudists know that anyone who wishes to be consistent in their opposition to capitalism must necessarily re-appropriate the types of consciousness that emerged from primitive communities, as well as their social form. Since the primitive community is a true community, a society without exploitation, in which production is still geared towards the satisfaction of human needs, it follows that a large part of the material resources of these societies were directed not simply towards the immediate struggle for existence but rather into activities that were enjoyed simply for their own sake. Work was suspended and life became play. The remorseless necessity to direct activity towards some future goal was replaced by pursuits without pre-determined ends. The tyranny of time was suspended and instead everybody found themselves transported into an ecstatic present.