ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE!                                                    FIND AND AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF

ALL (IN)ORGANIC COMRADES UNITE!                                                                                            GAME THE SYSTEM!

ABRACADABRA-C  (Alytus Biennial Reversion into Abolition of Culture And Distribution of its Aberrant Bacillus Right Abroad – Committee)

ÐعM提п (former DAMTP - the DaðA Miners and Travailleuse Psychique) - workers union to disrupt the creation of cultural capital through regional and a national language

The question about attending the 2nd World Cup of 3SF in Kassel was discussed for about 10 months and resulted in split of DAMTP into faction of political analysts and critics who need a clear program of action which supposedly would protect from recuperation into capitalist spectacle, and the gamers, who formed LUNATIC FRINGE FOR TRIOLECTICS (LUFT-DAMTP) specially to attended Kassel and to save the game from further footballization.

[ideological ingression///egression] - The first (political) faction had their arguments:

DAMTP should act in the way workers‘ organizations do (CLASS)

3SF and DAMTP will be recuperated by documenta spectacle and the only way to act against it is to fight it outside the Kassel – in Athens, Alytus or whatsoever other place (DAMTP German factions: OKK, Polaris)

Asemic writing activities should take leadership against 3SF (Asemic International and CLASS wrote the manifesto, publicized it and asked those who agree to sign it. Nobody else from DAMTP signed it so far, but ABRACADABRA triolectisized it with some comments attributed)

Ceci n'est pas le 3SF (Richard Essex)


[labor ingression///degression] - LUFT-DAMTP (FIASCO, NXTPA, ABRACADABRA) had their arguments:

The system should be gamed, Kathalytus must be build

To reclaim triolectics for 3SF not to be binarized

Self-organization without doctrine

To play with a black hole instead of a ball


[disingression] - CLASS attended Kassel with clear program to destroy documenta and the world cup.

Bogdanov have warned about dangers of war communism in a very dawn of Bolshevik revolution.

The domination of destructive workers makes a bigger revolutionary effect (spectacle), but infects the society to organize in a way based on destruction.

[disingression] - None of the DAMTP‘s from Germany were present in Kassel and so their input for comrades was formalized in 3 texts from 3 years ago and it was more about warning then guiding.


[conjugation] - ABRACADABRA initiated the discussion about necessity to have a space for meeting and organizing as well for meeting local unorganized workers – as DAMTP has on its constitution. The room was arranged in the local Art Academy students‘ place near Central railway station. There was arranged desakalapatragraph: DXTPA, ABRACADABRA, FIASCO and local psychic workers, who attended the meeting collectively investigated the site, put together their knowledge and set up the plan for local actions. 2 local workers joined DAMTP‘s in the further gaming. This meeting was announced in documenta papers and it infuriated some DAMTP‘s because of alleged recuperation, but social engineering as tactics was always present in Alytus Psychic (Art) Strike Biennial events since its mentioning as tactics in the first resolution Action Committee of Alytus Art Strike Conference in 2008. One of the great discoveries of ABRACADABRA was that anybody can get a free ticket for documenta just by saying abracadabra at the documenta information center, but other DAMTP‘s didn‘t tried even...either because of some phobias to become abracadabra, or for being recognized. Though LUFT-DAMTP‘s invented another great tactics to get free access for paid exhibition venues – simply to kick a ball into the space, and then to go for grabbing it from there – it worked too.

[disingression] - CLASS was insisting on meeting and/or contacting organized workers and activists – IWW‘s, Nobody is Illegal etc. and wrote an open letter-manifesto for their meeting in the same space. Nobody (including the initiator) showed up.

[disingression///separate complexes] - The pre-event on-line discussion showed clearly that DAMTP came into a phase of taking the roles – of workers, activists, artists etc – that what Marx warned about – and also about the false roles as it happens in Paris Commune.

Already since a little bit earlier we were not being able to write a collective text without tolerance to each other’s words. Instead of following the line of metagraphy we eventually returned backwards to the texts.

During the last year as DAMTP‘s we‘ve divided ourselves into specializations of artists and politicians – we stept on the same raker as all previous counter-cultural organizations starting from dada and ending with fluxus and situationists did. Shame on us!

[disingression] - We are afraid of being recuperated by the capitalist system and spectacle? But the fear of recuperation is exactly what recuperation is all about. The problem lays in overrated self-significance and lack of self-criticism. Indeed, we are afraid of being caricatures.

[ingression] - I am happy we were able to be caricatures of ourselves when in Kassel. ABRACADABRA was a caricature of an art organization, CLASS – of militant organization, FIASCO and NXTPA – of the physicality or something else. Besides that - Alytus biennial always was a caricature of biennial and The End of the Age of Divinity – caricature of doctrine (at least that is how I saw it). Even those who didn‘t attend Kassel – I am leaving for them to recognize caricatures in themselves.

[disingression] - We are still not able to withstand obsession with symbolism in our actions, hypergraphy and texts. I want to improve previous report by CLASS and to assure that the destruction of the trophy was not an accidental move by occasionally present worker, but ideologically prepared (declared in advance) gesture to (symbolically) destroy world cup. But the world cup was not destroyed – destroyed was just a letter, produced by our fellow worker. The only question what later LUFT-DAMTP‘s got few times was: „does anybody got the photo of the smashed cup?“. The process of reading a letter – suppresses and realizes it, but destroying turns it into a symbol.

[ingression] - Much bigger effect on self-consciousness gave hyperlettrist workshop of trophies production from clay (neither symbol, nor abstraction), or playing with baby-temporary-trumped-ball (caricature) and finally by hurling liquid clay into destructive football forwarders from New Cross Internationalists (leninists-avantgardists). We got to discuss with them about 3SF basic issues and how it differs from casual football and that there is a big difference between being in hexagonal pitch and the squared one. Also there was an introduction into the healing and (self)cleaning properties of clay which makes the substance very different from the mud – actually New Cross Internationalists slacked off when ABRACADABRA showed how to eat the clay.

[disingression] - Sometimes we are not able to discern that as a psychic workers gradually we are glimpsing into fundamentalism. The obsession with „serious political analysis, critique and program for action“ to be added here as well. Also obsession with the winning. One of the biggest transformations during the whole game happen with the team of black proletarian youngsters from refugees’ families. From the dominating wish to win at any costs they gradually developed into the ones who were enjoying the gaming itself. There was a prejudiced wish of some of our comrades to let them to win as well for the team of mermaids allegedly to support leadership of black and women nations – that fits well with the psychic workers doctrine. But it would mean nothing but simple fundamentalism where those mostly exposed social groups would be exploited once again.

[progressive selection///the law of the least] - ABRACADABRA discovered that it was Shon Kick People – a destructive worker and heavy drunkard from Polish Hussaria team who specialized himself in physical kicking of people during the game and that was his individual plan to destroy the game. Likely it was him who kicked Otto Karl Kamal three years ago and mistakenly it was taken as racism. Shon confessed that this time in Kassel nobody plays football so he has nobody to kick so far. When the only casual football resembling match – the final – did happen Shon already was too drunk even to stand on his feet. DAMTP‘s worked hard to (de)tour the tournament – only the final was left undetoured. This was a big atchievement comparing with the 1st „world cup“ in Silkeborg in 2014 where all the matches were as boring as final of 2017. I still have a vision that the next issue of 3SF global meeting (probably that would be better name then world cup) should obtain quantum formats because the classical 3SF format doesn‘t work effectively for suppression of professionalized fanatics – that was what we discussed and tried in Alytus in 2015.

[conjugation] - The Psychic (Art) Strike issue of Picket Line Clothing in Kassel was continued with the clay therapy hypergraphy and developed further by Kastia & Nastia with psychedelic make-up hypergraphy applications.

Do we really need to mimicry what workers‘ organizations do? Might be we should do things never done before and to encourage workers to do so?

[conjugation & disingression] - Entanglement game was proposed by FIASCO to be played 3SF where 3 players each from a different team are attached to a single elastic rope. We had some 5 or 6 sets for the game. 1 teenager boy joined us with the game. It resulted a very tactile game, full of physical contact with all the rest players. First reaction towards collective drive for entanglement is individual play and personal attempts for spillage, but eventually game ended on entanglement which paralyzed any motion.

[disingression] - 3SF in The Parthenon of the books was direct interruption into the mostly guarded documenta venue. Provocation happened and we‘ve got stopped by aggression of destructive workers. Astonishing was their tactics – to deal with CLASS who is a black proletarian there was invited black woman guardian and they called each other sister and brother. Essential was the query: „does documenta pays you enough to put hand on people?“. The pick of the situation was physical act by zealous woman worker when she grabbed the player, raised him above her head and took out from the Parthenon. Exactly like in a Wandsworth version of 3SF when one player is carrying another to the mouth of the goalpost. And the goalpost becomes a black hole.

[labor ingression] - while psychogeographying in Kassel DXTPA, FIASCO and ABRACADABRA together did few games.

Labyrinth game was about despatialization of the dimensions of space, time and class. 0 dimension of space – continuous moving while remaining in the same spot. 0 dimension of time – no past (historification), no future (clear pre-planned program), no animation (spectacle, role playing) – just a point. 0 dimension of class – a dot/ball.

Round stone table 3SF game was played by 3 players standing on the edge of the stone table and playing simultaneously the roles of destructive (forwarders) and dead (the goalposts) workers. The goalposts were considered to be the gaps by the table edge between 2 any players standing on the table. So the size of the goalpost is variable at the expense of the other 2 goalposts. 3 other players were reproductive workers (defenders/goalkeepers) and were standing on the ground besides the table‘s edge. The game is a combination of physical/tactile, psychological and telepathic abilities in self-organizing. Also it could be developed towards unknown terrains of Mesoamerican kind of ball gaming combined with human offers, decapitations (Hunahpu) and up to total dismembering of the human bodies in a way of Coyolxauhqui: any organization is a complex which is greater than the sum of its parts. All versions allow continuation of the ball game and ensures necessity to (re)invent new rules (to self-organize).

Multi-storey car-parking places were attracting 3SF players already from neoist times, when there were predicted to be the only possible places for it to happen in the future. This time we found access to multistorey car-parking roof and did the game until the ball got out of the roof into urban area. When leaving out of the building in the street level we were met by local worker from a neighboring building willing to give us back the ball.

[ingression] - By proposing blindfolded 3SF ABRACADABRA invited everybody for séance of hearing. It was connected to Ben Patterson‘s posthumous involvement into documenta‘s venues. Previously ABRACADABRA unsuccessfully few times tried to contact him when he was still alive due to his irony towards his comrades from fluxus because of their failure to understand how important to him was political participation in movement for civil rights in 60-ies... and especially that he was a single black person among fluxus freaks. This particular event has no any symbolical meaning nor intention – the main wish was to communicate this dead worker and former inventor of the museum of the invisible by trying to hear what might he could say. The first ever blindfolded 3 sided football match was played there with presence of the dead workers. Besides hearing some random recordings collected from Ben‘s heritage we were listening to the ringing ball, to each other‘s voices and body sounds, by sensing and touching each other and also everything what surrounds us: grass, trees, stones, found objects, spectators etc. There were no abstract teams-nations, no strips – all were the one. Destructive worker from CLASS agreed that this could be a way to play a ball game in documenta exhibitions and so to attack the serious bourgeois culture [disingression].

[conjunction///conjugation///time loop///chain link///exorcizing] – in October, 2001 due to 25th Anniversary of Internationales Künstlergremium – extremely Eurocentric organization - Ben Patterson with someone from ABRACADABRA‘s was psychogeographying blindfolded in Prague. What we did in Kassel during blindfolded 3SF game was going backwards 16 years in time to deliver some questions and to get some answers. Its like another Ben’s practice in 60-ies in N.Y.C. to take LSD and try to go with kids who had bad trips to the place where they were in trouble and help them come back.

The world cup in Kassel happen on the last days of 10th month Xocotlhuetzin of Aztec calendar. Those days usually are accompanied with sacrifices to the fire gods by burning the victims. We burned our blindfolds. It happens on Staatspark Karlsaue axis, which is one of the Kassel power leylines. It was the place where Aztec, fluxus and caricature came together to play 3SF. One more time loop: 52 years ago (1 Mesoamerican year round anniversary) this game was initiated by George Maciunas. For the 1965 Fluxorchestra concert at Carnegie Recital Hall he developed a caricature logo based on an Aztec image: a blind (or stoned) face with the tongue extended. This motif, repeated in rows of four across, appears 16 times on the printed concert flyer – the one circle for the each year we should go back to contact Ben. And at the same time while being blindfolded we are about being contacted by quantum animist workers in the future.

[ingression///disingression] – some of DAMTP comrades treat this particular letter as Eurocentric appropriation of exoticism, caricaturizing of non-European cultures and invited to go and shit on it. It was a good occasion to do so because likely exactly this letter was exhibited as art in one of the documenta venues very close near-by the place the blindfolded game happen. But as Marx said the history eventually repeats itself as a caricature. So in Kassel we celebrated The End of the Year Round of Caricaturity. And possibly missed a good opportunity to start a new shitting on letters year round.

[chain link///exorcizing] - 200 steps staircase and ponds in Hercules schlosspark were investigated by NXTPA before attending Kassel. This arrangement of psychopathic geometry architecture combined of octagon and pyramid which empowers the main power axis for Kassel (coinciding with Wiliamshoeher allee) and which meets another leyline: axis of Staatspark Karlsaue exactly in the place where stadium chosen for 3SF world cup was located. The sculpture of Hercules is a secret weak point of Kassel‘s – the giant has involved binary (two balls from a front) and trinary (three balls from backside) structure at once. 2 balls are an element of masculinity inverted into casual football, while 3 balls definitely are about 3SF. The point is how to unwind the Hercules so 3 balls to face the Kassel, or at least to add one more ball into his testicles. Unwinding Hercules together with refertilizing the stadium by clay during the world cup points to the decline of binary football psychic potency in the End of the Age of Divinity.

[disingression] - ABRACADABRA find out that shrimp commando olfactory attack against documenta besides great sounding conceptual background actually is the form of reproducing death, or even worse version: reproduces smell of non-living. This is what bourgeois art system does – turning the life force into non-living. After Alytus Psychic Strike issue of 2015 we should be careful of directing the life force to develop life forms – I actually think that eating shrimps would be much more to point then screwing them into the art.

If to come to some conclusions:

Even keeping in mind pure relations with DAMTP faction in Athens we can say that Kathalytus or (dynamically) stable and organized complex was build.

Even keeping in mind that documenta had many troubles (not necessarily because of DAMTP actions) it was not destroyed.

Even keeping in mind that trophy was destroyed, the world cup remained undestroyed, because what happen in Kassel was rather a caricature of it. And we succeed to make it even bigger then it was intended by organizers.

Even keeping in mind inner conflicts of DAMTP and schism between its factions the moving equilibrium between ingression and disingression, egression and degression was kept. Destructive workers are not those who should be distanced or eliminated, the point is to avoid it as specialization and therefore their domination. Destructive labor is rather tactics, but not a strategy.

And finally on some aspects of politics and aesthetics relationship. Like Walter Benjamin said - fascism was aestheticizing of politics. But aesthetics is not just aestheticizing – it is [disingression] the mechanism for adoration and/or humiliation. So this is not a communism that politicizes aesthetics, but racism and white supremacist culture. The culture of non-living. And the war communism is a part of it. Both specializations – aesthetics and politics should be removed from everydayness.




Some terms that were used to determine organizational aspects

  1. Tektology: organizational principles that underlie all systems
  1. Bogdanov considered that any complex should correspond to its environment and adapt to it. A stable and organized complex is greater than the sum of its parts.
  1. Formative mechanism:
  2. Conjugation – joining by the means of ingression.
  1. Disingression (complete neutralization of activities) forms a tektological boundary between the system and its environment – destructive labor.
  1. Separate complexes – nationalism.
  1. Collective labor efforts – labor ingression.
  1. Ideological ingression serves to coordinate or organize labor efforts.
  1. Binary thinking – disingression.
  1. Chain link.
  1. Regulatory mechanism:
  2. Conservative selection – maintenance/reproductive labor
  1. Progressive selection – development/psychic labor:
  1. Moving equilibrium,
  2. Heterogeneity – positive selection,
  3. Homogeneity – negative selection.
  1. The law of the least.
  1. Egression – centralism.
  1. Degression – skeletal system.

Here is CLASS/KLASSE report: